Tuesday, June 7, 2011

T-Shirt Quilt Progress

I've been working on this t-shirt quilt for a few weeks now, and I'm happy to say that I've finally made it through the most difficult part.  It's all downhill from here!  Here is the completed top...

Right now, it measures 50" x 70."

I took tons of pictures while making this quilt top.  Tons.  I plan on doing a series of posts on making t-shirt quilts in the near future, so be sure to check back soon! 


  1. It looks great! I'm almost finished with mine!

  2. good! Maybe it will help me with my baby clothes quilts I'm doing consisting of a ton of knit fabrics!

  3. This looks awesome! I can't wait to see your tutuorial! I think my next t-shirt project will be to do it this way rather than just same-sized blocks. I'll probably try it with my own t-shirts first. It will be nice to have your expertise to guide me through!

  4. I've been saving shirts for years...waiting for the tutorial!!
